Posts tagged goals
Creating a Road Map from Your Goals

Goal setting is a powerful process that helps guide you along whatever journey it is that you want to go on. However, often what happens is we stop at creating the goal. We come up with the goal, the dream, the “thing”, etc that we want to strive and reach for yet we don’t come up with the path to get to it. I put together a video explaining and providing an example of how to create a goal road map in which you work backwards from your big scary goal all the way down to the little action items that you can use to help guide you on a daily basis towards working towards your goals.

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Choosing Your "Word" of the Year for 2019

This idea of setting a word of the year on top of your yearly goals came from this need for something more than just a list of goals. A word is something that you can really nurture, nurture, pull on during each of the journey’s through my goals, and something that would support those goals that I had just set. Picking a word can be overwhelming, lets face there are SO MANY words out there that can illicit an emotional response. Read more for three simple little steps towards helping you find that word that gives you the goosebumps so that you can use it for 2019.

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New Year, New Goals, Same Me
Dream Big. Go Big.