New Year, New Goals, Same Me


New Year New Me! Isn't that how it goes? The ringing in of a New Year a whole new set of days, weeks, and months in which your journey through life continues; its a new set of pages in which to write your book. New Years day is really a pretty cool day for it is a day in which millions of people come together at once and vow to inflict change upon themselves, or what we all know as resolutions.

For me a new year is a time to reflect where you are in life, where you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and then set a plan to accomplish it.  It is a time to set a goals, actions that you desire to accomplish for the  year; it is a time to write the title for the pages of the book you want to fill throughout the year.

Just ask my husband I am HUGE goal setter and in turn that makes me big planner.  For example when I found out I was going to have surgery I immediately went into plan mode in which I came up with three different "plans" to accomplish things depending on how I came out of surgery.

That being said I wanted to share a few of my goals in 2016:

Come back stronger from surgery than when I went into it. So far at just shy of 3 weeks post operation recovery has been strong and quick.  The key for me in this is to stay patient and not push it to quickly too soon.

Cross the finish line of the Couer d'Alene Ironman. This will 100% depend on how recovery goes the next month to month and half. For while this is a HUGE goal for me I will not risk further injuring myself, or re-injuring myself, if it seems as though I would risk that through training for it.

On top of completing the Ironman I am going to train to cross the line in sub 12 hours with a reaching goal of low 11 hours.

Run a sub 3 hr marathon This was the goal for the Portland Marathon in 2015, where I limped across the finish line at 3:48 with a torn labrum in my left hip.  Looking back on it I am proud to say that I was able to still cross the line, and at a time still under four hours, in the condition my hip was in.  With the base that will be created from Ironman training I plan to go after speed training post ironman in order to capatilize on the base created to push it hard.

Keep track of my training with my "Believe Journal" This is something I have struggled with in the last couple years.  I preach it to others however have a hard time keeping myself on track with it.  This year that will change as I believe that keeping track of your training really allows you to not only see the change but to better analyze how your training is going.

Golf with my husband Last summer I started golfing, every once in while, as it is something that my husband loves to do.  Since I enjoy spending every minute I can with him it was something I wanted to take up so that we can golf together.  Talk about a challenging game, I am always amazed that I can run a 3:09 marathon but can barely golf 9 holes without being exhausted. :)

Inspire others to find joy and passion in health and fitness My athletics have always been something that has provided me joy over the years and the passion I have for it has grown over the years as it has been my way of unraveling the tangles of the days.  I have this dream to be able to help others to find passion and joy for it as well.  In order to do that I have joined with Beachbody as a health coach.  Through coaching I hope to not only grow professionally through starting a business but to most importantly help others find their passion for fitness.  To find out more about the programs and the coaching business CLICK HERE I would LOVE to help you with your goals.

Continue to love and live life to the fullest alongside my husband This may sound like a silly goal but everything that I am able to accomplish is because of the love and support of my husband.  I am blessed for the love and support that we have for each other as it allows us both to go after our goals.  Not only in 2016 but for the rest of our lives to live every day with love and joy together is something we will strive for.

Lastly I want to thank everyone for following alongside my journey these last couple years and for the support you've continued to give me.  I am beyond blessed for the family that has been built over this journey.  I look forward to sharing, watching, and following alongside all of your journeys this year.

You can follow my journey this year here or on my instagram @ktl_bowker.

What are your goals for 2016? Do you like to make plans to reach your goals?