Posts tagged run
How I Stopped Peeing Myself While Running

Its no secret, if you follow me and have throughout my postpartum journey that I had a pretty serious issue of peeing myself when I started back up with running. Now I had a slight issue with this previous to getting pregnant and would pee when I would sneeze and often when I would run as well but it was much less severe. After having Skylar it was much much worse to the point where during the first couple of runs it was literally running down my legs…. talk about embarrassing, cold, and just not fun. In this blog I talked about a few things that worked for me in helping me to gain more strength in my pelvic floor.

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Making Indoor Training More Fun

Constantly riding on the trainer and running on the treadmill can get very boring, long, and mentally hard to motivate for on a regular basis. Here are some tips to helping to making indoor training more fun and easier to motivate for so that you can be ready when the sun comes back out to feel strong and confident!

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Running With Purpose

Ever feel stuck with your running? You had made a bunch of improvements, maybe had a massive couple of Personal Bests yet all of the sudden you've hit a plateau and aren't getting any faster?  Plateaus can be very frustrating because we as a society always want to improve. This little article is not all about the barriers of training that may be affecting your running, that is a whole different set of tips.  Today I wanted to share with you some tips to run a little bit faster and break through that feeling of you've hit a wall with your training.

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Race Simulations: Why We Love Them

A race simulation doesn’t always have to be a complete day that is treated like a race but merely a specific workout say your long Sunday run where you do it at race pace effort, or even just a bike done with large portions at race pace effort. Now you can’t, and don’t want to do these types of training days, all the time because our bodies would break down but strategically placed they can be very beneficial.

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January 2019 Monthly Recap

With that moving forward in 2019 I am going to share a bit more of the journey that started all of this, the journey of an age group triathlete doing everything she can to be great, with you all through monthly recaps regarding my own training. In these recaps I’ll chat all things triathlon that happened during the run, share the good and the bad, anything I learned, a high level idea of what I did for the month and every once in a while favorite workout for each of the disciplines. I hope that you enjoy these, and that maybe the journey will not only provide you with some education yourself and maybe inspire you to go after your own crazy journey.

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