Posts tagged cycling
A Recap of 5x100 Miles on the Bike in a Week

The week of August 3rd I partook on a self made challenge of completing 500 miles on the bike in a week structured as five 100 mile rides, so 100 miles done on five different days. This challenge arose after Ironman Wisconsin was cancelled. My coach texted me asking if there was any challenge I was in the mood for completing in lieu of the race being cancelled. I learned a lot during those five days and wanted to share a couple of the biggest learnings with you.

⚡️Motivation and discipline are totally different.
⚡️You can do hard things.
⚡️Letting go of your data and expectations is very freeing.
⚡️Hard things are totally worth it.

For more on each of these learnings that I had check out the video and recap in the blog, I promise it is worth it!!!

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5 Tips to Finding the Comfort in the Uncomfortable

Being uncomfortable whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritually can be very scary.  Your comfort zone is this wonderful little bubble that gives the illusion of protection and when you step outside of it your mind instantly senses danger and begs you to crawl back into that bubble.  Read more for 5 tips to getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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Playing the Long Game

Triathlon is a long game sport.  This is probably one of the reasons I love it so much is there is always room for improvement, and you are always growing. No matter how many miles you put in, races you do, or training you conquer you are constantly put to a test of growth.  It takes patience, and the willingness to be there for the long haul.  

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