Posts in mindfulness
Power of Presence

The ability to be in a present state of mind is an incredible valuable tool to an athlete and in reality anything you are doing seriously from business to life. Being present provides focus, clarity, concentration, awareness to ones body and a connection to yourself and the moment you are in. This form of mindfulness relates to a theory of being in the “zone” or in a state of “flow” both in which refer to a state of consciousness in which a person is completely absorbed in his or her actions and experiences a unity of the mind and body.*

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4 Tips to Improving Your Mental Imagery Skills

Visualization (mental Imagery) is very powerful. It evokes an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more than we are at that moment, and it initiates an sense of emotion that continues to help drive us towards our goals. The key is to rehearse the performance in your head. You don’t want to try to picture the entire day or moment all in one shot but take turns practicing visualizing each piece of it, no different than you can’t tackle an entire day in one moment you have to do the same with your visualization. Check out my FOUR Tips to Improving your Mental Imagery (visualization) skills

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[Mindset] Changing Your Self Talk

As a coach, and athlete, I preach a lot about positive thinking and positive self talk to my athletes. Honestly, I preach it to myself OFTEN as I have to constantly remind myself to think positively to take the negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts on a regular basis. I truly and whole heartily believe in positive self talk, not only does it boost your confidence but it is a great way to develop a mindset that challenges the obstacles you are facing as well as giving you the courage and confidence to stand back up when you fail. The mind is a very powerful feature and is so very often under utilized in our daily lives from a powerful standpoint.

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Playing the Long Game

Triathlon is a long game sport.  This is probably one of the reasons I love it so much is there is always room for improvement, and you are always growing. No matter how many miles you put in, races you do, or training you conquer you are constantly put to a test of growth.  It takes patience, and the willingness to be there for the long haul.  

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