Posts tagged blogger
The Healing Power of Gratitude

Practicing mindfulness and gratitude means paying attention, purposeful attention, to the present moment. Be more accepting of yourself, and give yourself some grace. This sounds so simple but its true and when we express our gratitude that in turns makes us more grateful. Our brains cannot tell the difference between imaginary and reality and so what we tell ourselves on a regular basis it will believe and this goes to the same for our actions, when we continually express gratitude to ourselves and others then our brain will start to continually look for and express gratitude.

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Top Learnings of a New Mom

I can’t believe it has been over four weeks already since Skylar Zane graced us with his presence. It has been an amazingly exhausting four weeks. Now this blog isn’t meant to be his birth story more on what I learned during these last four weeks but I will give you the quick down and dirty highlight reel of how he came into this world.

Since having Skylar Zane these last four plus weeks have been amazing and beautiful but also some of the hardest and most growth related weeks of my life. So I wanted to share a little bit about what it is that I have learned these last couple weeks.

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Race With Heart

In a world full of devices, gadgets, social media, and over exposure to all of our lives it is really easy to get caught up not only in what other people are doing but what you believe that your “data” should be. We’ve become so ingrained in our numbers that if we don’t follow our numbers to a tee we panic and totally derail our day. The only question you really must ask yourself is are you giving 110% in that moment? If you are than no matter what the data says you are doing exactly what you should be doing. 

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Coach Kayla's Five Rules for Everyday Nutrition

Daily nutrition is one of the most difficult pieces to manage whether you are an athlete or not. It is very time consuming and in the time we live in our days are often so full of “stuff” that finding the time to focus on our daily nutrition is really hard especially when you can just head to the drive through and quickly pick something up. The thing is that your daily nutrition did not have to be crazy, it doesn’t have to take a really long time, and honestly it really is just going back to the idea of the basics of eating.

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January 2019 Monthly Recap

With that moving forward in 2019 I am going to share a bit more of the journey that started all of this, the journey of an age group triathlete doing everything she can to be great, with you all through monthly recaps regarding my own training. In these recaps I’ll chat all things triathlon that happened during the run, share the good and the bad, anything I learned, a high level idea of what I did for the month and every once in a while favorite workout for each of the disciplines. I hope that you enjoy these, and that maybe the journey will not only provide you with some education yourself and maybe inspire you to go after your own crazy journey.

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[Mindset] Changing Your Self Talk

As a coach, and athlete, I preach a lot about positive thinking and positive self talk to my athletes. Honestly, I preach it to myself OFTEN as I have to constantly remind myself to think positively to take the negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts on a regular basis. I truly and whole heartily believe in positive self talk, not only does it boost your confidence but it is a great way to develop a mindset that challenges the obstacles you are facing as well as giving you the courage and confidence to stand back up when you fail. The mind is a very powerful feature and is so very often under utilized in our daily lives from a powerful standpoint.

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