Posts tagged passion
The Healing Power of Gratitude

Practicing mindfulness and gratitude means paying attention, purposeful attention, to the present moment. Be more accepting of yourself, and give yourself some grace. This sounds so simple but its true and when we express our gratitude that in turns makes us more grateful. Our brains cannot tell the difference between imaginary and reality and so what we tell ourselves on a regular basis it will believe and this goes to the same for our actions, when we continually express gratitude to ourselves and others then our brain will start to continually look for and express gratitude.

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[Mindset] Changing Your Self Talk

As a coach, and athlete, I preach a lot about positive thinking and positive self talk to my athletes. Honestly, I preach it to myself OFTEN as I have to constantly remind myself to think positively to take the negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts on a regular basis. I truly and whole heartily believe in positive self talk, not only does it boost your confidence but it is a great way to develop a mindset that challenges the obstacles you are facing as well as giving you the courage and confidence to stand back up when you fail. The mind is a very powerful feature and is so very often under utilized in our daily lives from a powerful standpoint.

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