Posts tagged mental endurance
Fueling Motivation Through Dedication and Discipline

Motivation is great; it is what gets us excited, it is what gets us to sign up for the race, join the cause, do the thing, apply for the new job, or whatever it is that gives you energy!!

Behavior —> Emotions/Feelings —> Performance

The key to keeping up your motivation is not to focus on the feeling of motivation but rather to focus on the habits of dedication and discipline.

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Improving Your Bodies Physical Response to Training By Getting Your Brain on Board

Going all in with anything you are doing doesn’t always mean jumping in head first with everything you’ve got physically but rather it means jumping in with everything you got from a whole body, mind, and soul standpoint.
What needs to happen first is that you as the athlete ask yourself what is my mindset going into each of the sessions and if it isn’t totally on board how can I shift that. In this video I go into more detail about how getting your mind on board is the number one key to going all in with your training!!

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