Improving Your Bodies Physical Response to Training By Getting Your Brain on Board

Going all in with anything you are doing doesn’t always mean jumping in head first with everything you’ve got physically but rather it means jumping in with everything you got from a whole body, mind, and soul standpoint. Because here is the thing……

Your body cannot and will not give you the full response you are looking for (especially when training for something physical) if you do not either change your mindset and/or go all in from a mental side of things.

Whenever the body feels off in training the main response I get from athletes is usually “we should probably bike more” or “maybe we should add in another run or two”. While this may be true and most of the time it is true but first the athlete needs to take stock of where they are mentally because more often than not the reason you don’t feel fluid and consistent with your training is because you are bringing your outside stress into the training, you are talking to yourself negatively about a session, or you are not able to keep yourself present and focused because your mind is telling yourself negative things or wandering.

What needs to happen first is that you as the athlete ask yourself what is my mindset going into each of the sessions and if it isn’t totally on board how can I shift that; because until you get your brain on board merely adding in more volume will only cause more frustration, probably get you injured, and cause burnout. I know for me personally it wasn’t until I fully got my brain 100% on board with my goals and aligned with the vision I had for myself as an athlete that I was able to take on those extra hours of training and really see a shift in my physical response.

In the below video I go into more detail about how getting your mind on board is the number one key to going all in with your training!! Check it out!



PS. Going all in can be challenging and it usually is helpful to have some guidance. So if you are the athlete who is looking to make a shift in their mindset, to go all in, take their training to the next level, or maybe just completely shift the energy they have around themselves then I am the Mental Performance Coach for you!!!! CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE YOUR FREE DISCOVERY CALL TO DISCUSS MENTAL PERFORMANCE COACHING AND HOW IT CAN TAKE YOU TO THE NEXT LEVEL.