The Home Stretch

It's funny to think that 6 weeks of hard work left is the home stretch.  Usually you think a couple of days, or even one week, but 6 full weeks of hard intense work is the home stretch when you are thinking in terms of Ironman.  Technically I guess there are about 7 weeks until the big day but for me six of those weeks are going to be a beast. As mentioned in my post CdA 70.3 article I did take most of last week off.  Maybe I should specify what "off" entails, it was a week of no structure regarding training. I did what I wanted and on the days I wanted.  I only ran a handful of times, I slept in every day, and I did not swim at all.  Not having the structure was wonderful and I am amazed at how much better I felt and still feel after getting rid of some structure for a week - though that could be attributed to the fact that I have slept in 95% of every morning for the last three weeks.

However, now as the big day looms near it is time to buckle down and do some serious work.  That means back to early mornings, some long evenings, and of course heavy duty weekends.

Thoughts on the next 6 weeks

Excitement. Knowing that something I have talked about for two years now is finally coming to fruition.

Nerves. Tackling a challenge you have never done before is always a bit daunting.

Motivation. When you hit that home stretch and realize how much work you need to put in still can be very motivating.

Uncertainty. That feeling where you just don't know that you will be ready.  Unsure if you will be able to get enough miles in to complete all of the segments.

Questioning.  Sometimes wondering why I chose to do this.  Why I chose to wake up at 4:30 am every morning to train, to chose a bike ride over golf with my husband, or a run over a late night out?

Drive. That desire to conquer something and that drive to be able to stand at that finish line and say I did it.

Tired.  While I did take a couple of weeks easy I am still tired, even as I sit here I dream about being able to close my eyes.

Desire.  Once again that feeling you get when you think about crossing that finish line and hearing those words "You are an IRONMAN!"

There is a lot that goes into Ironman training.  It is something I always knew I would be able to accomplish but the enormity of the journey was one I did not predict.  Do I regret my journey? Hell no! Do I sometimes question what I am doing? Yes! But in 6 more hard weeks and 7 weeks total I will be crossing that line with thousands of other amazing athletes who took this journey as well to be an "IRONMAN".

anything is possible