Posts tagged self talk
Self Love Challenge

For many of us self love is hard to manifest. I want to challenge you to find self love by incorporating a daily self love challenge. With this self love challenge the goal is to give you a chance each day to pause and reflect on yourself, the acts of self love and compassion you give yourself, and remind yourself of the greatness that is already in you. In today’s blog I offer you a small self love challenge to help guide you in this process!!

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Letting Our Inner Dialogue Guide Us Towards Greatness

Our minds work just like a movie with a constant flow of images, words, and thoughts that never stops, we are constantly thinking, analyzing and trying to figure things out even when we don’t know that we are doing so. Learning how to control the Self - Talk and subsequently learning how to change it allows you to take control and get after your potentional. So how do you change your self talk? Its not an easy process but if you are willing to take the steps towards changing then here are some tips to help you:

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