What is the Warrior Mindset Program?

Today is the day

The day that you choose to take control of the demons in your mind that are stopping you from reaching your goals. The day you choose to strengthen your mindset so that you can find passion, faith, and strength in yourself on the journey you are taking.

A warrior mindset is more than just the ability to never quit and do what it takes; it is also the ability to have complete faith and belief in yourself that no matter what you CAN do it and you WILL do it!!!


In 2013 I started my triathlon journey as a way to change my life. I needed to change my mindset from the lack of emotion towards much of anything and blaming my external environment for the reasons I felt the way I felt. In one two hour race, a local Olympic I just jumped into, everything completely changed. I went from hating everything to realizing that the reason I hated everything was because I was thinking that way, it had nothing to do with the external world I lived in but more my internal thoughts.

Over the years this change has stuck with me. In good times and bad I found that the strongest part of me was my mindset and this innate ability to focus on the present and the positive vs. the negative. Why? This is because I vowed once I made the change I was never going to go back to feeling the way I felt before.

As I continued to share my journey with you guys I found a lot of people asking how I set my goals, continued to stay positive towards my goals, maintain a positive mindset, stay strong on the race course, and so many other questions regarding mindset. I started to think 💭 how can I help you all with this?? So I launched my first mindset program, a starter program called my Mindset Mastery program. This program was amazing for me to coach and facilitate as a mentor, I have never felt such fulfillment in what I was doing than when I would get off a call with one of my mindset clients. The energy that I would have afterwards was unparalleled, made me want to go out and crush whatever it was that I needed to do next!!!!

What I realized was that four weeks wasn’t enough!! It wasn’t enough time to really deep dive the roadblocks that each person was feeling, it wasn’t enough time to really practice the tools we discussed to jump over those roadblocks, and I just wanted more for each of these amazing people I was working with!! So, I decided to take this program and jack it up!!! And that was the birth of my new program the 12 Week Warrior Mindset Program and Journey!!!

A program designed to give you the chance to deep dive your own roadblocks and really look deep within yourself to find the best self that you can find!!!

So what am I offering???

12 week Warrior Mindset Program and Journey.

  • 12 total one on one Zoom Video calls with me, your coach ,the first call will be 60 minutes to include onboarding and getting started. The remaining 11 will be 30-45 minutes long.

  • Coach Kayla’s Daily Intention Journal

  • Weekly worksheets personalized towards the discussions we have in order to solidify the new tools we talk about.

  • 3 Mastermind Zoom Sessions with the rest of the clients at the time (if it is just you you will then get TWO calls in one week!!)

  • Constant email communication with myself, Kayla, for any questions and follow up.

Check out these testimonials!!! Here is what a few of these clients have said after working with me:

To get started with this program I am offering free discovery calls, here is what I offer:

  • Figure out what is BLOCKING you and sabotaging your successes and mindset.

  • Leave the session with energy and excitement for yourself and finding a new path towards the life you want to be leaving

  • Create a vision of the type of impact you want to make

Are you interested in learning more? Jump on a call with me today!!!! (HERE)I would love to connect with you!!

At the moment this little article comes out I already have filled Seven (7) of the 15 discovery slots that I am offering and I CAN’T wait to chat with each of these people!!!

CLICK HERE to get on my calendar!!! I would love to chat with you to see what roadblocks and obstacles you are experiencing!!!

