Priming Your Brain for Positivity and Productivity

We have the ability to be limitless. Our brain is primed to be completely limitless; it is primed to find exactly what we tell it to look for.

Obviously our brains are incredibly complex; there are so many facets and little pieces involved with our thought process our actions and our motor functions just to name a few. We could go down a serious random road with all the pieces involved with the brain but today I just want to talk to you about this concept of priming our brain to allow us to be completely limitless.

Basically, if you want it you can get it if you tell yourself you can. This comes from your Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is a bundle of nerves that sifts through all the information that we take in and organizes it so that we can process it. In theory our RAS is what allows us to recognize things, search for things, and see things. For example; imagine you are wanting to buy a new car specifically a Toyota RAV4 so you start researching them then all of the sudden you see Toyota RAV4s everywhere. Basically, what is happening is you are telling your brain to look for this and your RAS is allowing your subconscious and conscious brain to merry together to pick out that specific car.

It works the same way with positive and negative thoughts.

If you tell yourself you suck at something then your brain is going to continually look for things that solidify that you suck at it. If you tell yourself that you love something and are good at it you are going to find things that solidify that you are good at it.

The root of this is that WE ARE IN CONTROL!! We can train our brain to find the positive or the negative, so why not make sure that we always train it to look for the positive?

Check out the video below for more on this system and priming your brain for positivity.



PS. Want to learn more about how to train your brain? Need help organizing your thoughts? My 12 Week Warrior Mindset Program deep dives all things mindset and helps you to find passion, faith, and strength in yourself. APPLY HERE for a FREE discovery call .