Coach Kayla's Home Gym Equipment Recommendations

A lot of us right now are either under “stay home” orders or at a minimum practicing (or at least I sure hope you are) social distancing practices and that means for most of us gyms and pools are closed leaving us with a gap in either our training or just in our health conscious life in general.

Now you’ve probably received more emails on home gym workouts than you know what to do with so this is not meant to be an specific home gym workout article but more I wanted to recommend a few pieces of equipment that I have found to be the most helpful to have around the house not just for right now during these uncertain times but in general.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of these brands at all, these are more pieces of equipment that I find to be helpful.

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Mini Bands
These bands can be used for a large array of things glutes, to core, and shoulders and back. They are also great for activation work both pre and post runs and bikes

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Resistance bands with Handles
Great way to build strength, as well as if you can’t swim they can be used for dry land work. Resistance bands also provide the opportunity to build strength through functional work.


You would be surprised what you can do with these. From lunges to mountain climbers these sliders add just a little bit more variety to a lot of your home workouts.

Ab Rollers
This little tool is slightly masochistic. Great way for building core strength but you’ll find you end up also getting a bit of a hamstring and shoulder workout too if you do it properly.

Step Up Box
Now you technically can use a bench or a chair but sometimes its nice to have an actual step up box. I LOVE these! They are great for plyometrics, single leg work, and overall leg work.

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Stability Ball
These are great for core work especially if you have back problems or are recovering from injury, as well as some hamstring and glute work. Also you can use it at your home desk too for something besides sitting in just chair.

So these are a few of the simple things that you can have at home to make your time a little bit more fun!!! That aren’t crazy expensive, and they are easy to have around the house for the future as well!!!

Now if you have the space and the ability from a cash flow standpoint to up your game a little bit on the home gym I also wanted to provide a few other things that can be useful!!

  • Kettle bells: these have become a staple for me in my home gym workouts. They can be used in so many different ways and provide very targeted workouts to full body stimulus work.

  • TRX bands and equipment: Great for small spaces and for those who want some great options for stability work and low resistance work.

  • A few dumbbells: Always great to have around the house to help bolster your home training.

I hope you find this helpful and useful!!! And can use some of these tools to help you gain some great home workouts to not only keep you sane but to help you stay strong and healthy!!!

