Full Body Mini Band Workout with Coach Kayla

Mini bands are great because they place constant tension on your muscles, this keeps them engaged for both the lengthening and contracting phase of the exercise and on top of all of this they are crazy versatile. You need very little space and you can get a great workout in. You can use the bands to target small muscles which are important for creating stability and help improve the activation of those muscles.

Often you will see people using mini bands for warm up or adding in secondary exercises in between main compound sets.

The benefits of band workouts are as follows:
1. Modify Familiar Exercises: If you are injured, or just not ready to jump up to full weights they are great for providing a little extra resistance in order to build strength.
2. Can do in small spaces: Don’t need a lot of equipment or space to get a really good workout in.
3. Add variety to your workouts: you can take all forms of exercises and make them just a little bit different which allows your body to grow and adapt.
4. Easy to take on the road: Travel a lot… bands are a great way to take your training with you.

I put together a little mini band workout that targets the full body, we start with the lower body and move upwards finishing with a shoulder burner!

I hope you enjoy the workout!!!

