Making Mental Training A Daily Habit

Mental toughness isn’t all about your motivation. Yes being motivated is key because it is often what keeps you focused and that in turn makes you mentally tough but motivation is fickle, it comes and goes. Our motivation isn’t reliable where mental toughness can be reliable if you allow it to be. Mental toughness can be the thing that never leaves you if you train yourself to always be able to access it.

In reality the most mentally tough people aren’t the ones who the most courageous, the craziest, or even the most talented it actually comes from those people who are the most consistent about training their mental toughness. There is a reason the saying Consistency is King is so widely used… because it is so true. The more you do ANYTHING the better you become at it and this is true for your mindset and becoming mentally tough.

Making mental training a daily habit is one of the strongest and best things you can do for yourself. It will benefit you in all aspects of your life, yes we talk triathlon a lot in this space but if you really focus what you will find is that your mindset training you do for triathlon will benefit you in all aspects of life too.

Tips to Making Mental Training a Daily Habit

Attach it to something you already do
Humans are creatures of habit but sometimes it takes time to make something a habit. The best way to not forget to do something is to attach it to something you already do every day. For example; you probably very rarely (if ever) forget to brush your teeth correct? That is something you do every day multiple times a day, so to help make your mindset training a daily habit attach it to brushing your teeth. This will do two things 1). it will create a space to do it every day and 2) brushing your teeth will trigger you to remember to do your daily mindset training.

So what should you do while you brush your teeth? You can say your affirmations, you can practice positive self talk, or you can do breath work. These are all small simple things that can be done while doing something else that will benefit you immensely.

Focus on Small Changes not Big Ones
Often people think that to change their mindset they have to have a HUGE change. While yes these huge changes can make big differences it is the small every day changes that accumulate to make that big change. Big changes often are more related to our goals and if we try to make our changes only focused on that we can get lost in them.

Small habits, small changes create those daily actions that eventually make up your big change. When you focus on the small changes, the small habits it gives you daily wins that keep you motivated to keep changing and contributes to your overall health.

Let Go of the Results
It is easy to get lost in the result we are trying to achieve; maybe that is a big goal we are striving for or maybe that is a mindset change we are trying to make. What happens when we focus only on the result we often forget to set the schedule of how to get there. You can’t get your groceries every week without first setting a schedule, some small actions that have to happen in order to get them. Making a mindset shift is the same way, you can have the goal to get to certain result but to get there you have to focus on the daily actions.

When we let go of the results as the main focus it gives us more space to focus on the small daily actions that need to happen. Successful people focus on the practice and the process in their goals and it is the same thing with making a mindset shift.

“When things get tough for most people, they find something easier to work on. When things get difficult for mentally tough people, they find a way to stay on schedule.” - taken from blog by James Clear author of Atomic Habits.

There will always be moments in your life in which you will need to be gritty. There will always be moments where you need to buck up and dip into some courage and strength but if you have spent your practice focusing on the small daily habits it becomes easier and easier to dip into the extremes when you need to.



PS: Join the WYFTY WARRIOR MINDSET PROGRAM to get help making these daily habits and so much more!!!! You don’t want to miss out on this program CLICK HERE!! A Warrior Mindset is more than just the ability to never quit and do what it takes; it is also the ability to have complete faith and belief in yourself that no matter what you CAN do it and you WILL do it!!!! This 12 WEEK ONE ON ONE INDIVIDUALIZED PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO HELP GUIDE YOU THROUGH IMPROVING YOUR MENTAL STRENGTH, MENTAL TOUGHNESS, AND ALL AROUND IMPROVED MINDSET TOWARDS THE STEPS YOU ARE TAKING ON YOUR JOURNEY. GET STARTED TODAY!!!